
Steinbach Chamber of Commerce Post
July 22nd, 2015

The Bottom Line
Your Weekly Update from the Chamber


Linda’s Blog to Business

Why Giving is Good Business

You’re always looking for new ways to boost your business or find new customers, right? Have you ever thought of hosting a fundraiser for a local non-profit organization to boost your business? Or becoming a regular donor to a non-profit? Have you ever thought of volunteering or running for public service?

Not only will you create a whole new circle of contacts, but you will be contributing to improving the city you live and work in. You will be improving the city your employees and their families live and work in. You will be part of making our city an attractive place to live, which will keep our population growing, which will bring more customers to your business.

The contacts you make through volunteerism and giving are often high-impact leaders in the community, who you might otherwise never come in contact with. These people serve on boards and have a wealth of knowledge that you’d love to tap into. And those relationships often lead to future opportunities.

And, as a side benefit, you will do your soul some good! You will feel good. Who doesn’t want that?

Business owners are often portrayed as being in the game only to make money. They are often accused of exploiting others for their own gain. In reality, our world could not function without the profits made by businesses. Those profits support our local food shelter and homeless shelter. Those profits help build hospitals and arenas. Those profits create more jobs, which improves quality of life for more people.

Begin a new business practice today…find one way to give back to your community TODAY!

P.S. The upcoming CEO Sleepout Event would be a great place to start!

CEO Sleepout 
To register or for further information on the upcoming sleepout event, please email Simone Penner at or call 204-371-1133.

Visit the CEO Sleepout page to learn more