Sleepout keeps focus on homeless
September 11th, 2017
By: Dave Baxter
Posted: 09/9/2017 10:45 AM
More than 40 local business owners, politicians and advocates for the homeless are preparing to spend a night with no roof over their heads, as they look to raise money and raise awareness about the plight of the homeless in Steinbach.
Today House, an emergency overnight homeless shelter located in Steinbach will host their fifth annual CEO Sleepout next Thursday from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. at K.R. Barkman Park in Steinbach.
The event invites local community leaders, business leaders and others to spend the night and sleep in the park, as a way to create awareness about those experiencing homelessness in the Steinbach community, and also to raise funds for Today House.. View the full article here https://www.thecarillon.com/local/Sleepout-keeps-focus-on-homeless-443435863.html