
Growing Woman’s Health Campaign
February 26th, 2019

Today House continues to receive tremendous support from the local Shoppers Drug Mart, long time supporters of the shelter.

Each year Steinbach Shoppers Drug Mart  does fundraising  through  the Growing Woman’s Health Campaign. A fundraiser designed to help woman in the community live their most healthy life. At Today house we see many woman come through the shelter doors in need of supports, housing, clothing, toiletries, a  chance at a new start. With the hard work of the management, staff, and  customers, Today House was the recipient of an incredible $4,380.00 donation through this campaign. In addition to this incredible gift, the Shoppers Drug Mart management and staff did  their own fundraising and have provided us with $300.00 in gift cards to share with Today house guests! Guests of the shelter are able to take these gifts and shop for food, toiletries,feminine hygiene products , and more.

Our gratitude is beyond measure to this very giving community for walking along side Today House to help those with the greatest need in our community.